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Author | Topic:RadeonHD Driver for OS4.1 Classic ? | 8962 Views |
11 December 2010 at 1:03pm
Hi Hans,
are we going to see your RadeonHD Driver for PCI equipped Classics
like an A4000 PPC with Mediator PCI Busboard?
I think a low-end X1300 should be the best choice or?
The biggest advantage is the usage of GfxRam as FastRam
and perhaps 3D.
11 December 2010 at 2:21pm
In theory, the current drivers should work with AmigaOS 4.1 on the classic. However, it is completely untested. The one thing that I am aware of that doesn't work on the classic is DMA, and so I'd have to make sure that GART and DMA are disabled.
We'll have to see if it will work.
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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » RadeonHD Driver for OS4.1 Classic ?