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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards

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Author Topic:Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards 49231 Views
  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post


    Go to the beta testers forum, and look for a thread with the title "Locking up..."

    I'm not happy that the DMA-fix seems to interfere with the RadeonHD graphics cards. A lot of people have that fix.


  • Crusher
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Is the beta testers forum on this forum? I can´t jump to it anyway.

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Click on "forums" in the main navigation bar. You'll see the RadeonHD beta testers forum in the list if you're logged in.

    Could you capture and email me a log from your board minus for just the graphics card initialization? Install the debug driver, then start up the machine with the graphics card inserted (+ your Radeon card), and do the following once workbench is loaded:
    dumpdebugbuffer ram:log.txt clear

    It should contain debug information from the driver initialization.


  • Crusher
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Ok, I´ll fix the debugdump in a moment.

    The only directions I can go under "Forums" is: Amiga OS Projects, Silverstripe Projects, General Software Development, OpenGL/3D-Graphics and General Discussion. I´m logged in otherwise I couldn´t post here.

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Try refreshing the forums page. You're name is in the beta testers list under security settings, so you should be able to see it.


  • Crusher
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Nope, nothing. Tested with Firefox too but no change. I´ll email you the log in a moment.

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Nope, nothing. Tested with Firefox too but no change. I´ll email you the log in a moment.

    That's strange. I've made one last change, so please try again. Otherwise, I've emailed you a direct link.

    Here are a few things that you could try:
    - Remove the AGP card, and test with just the Radeon HD 2400
    - Disable USB, disable DMA for the IDE in UBoot (and maybe temporarily disable networking).

    I suspect that the "DMA fix" causes nasty side-effects that prevents PCI graphics cards from working, and is the reason why uA1 machines can't handle secondary graphics cards. My last suggestion is basically what someone did (IIRC) in order to get a PCI graphics card working in a uA1.


  • Crusher
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    *Bah* I managed to destroy all my nice settings in Uboot and now it doesn´t boot. I have slept 3 hours in two days and the clock here is 2 in the night, so I´m going to bed before my whole rig goes down the drain.

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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards