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Author | Topic:SAM440ep(mini) Radeon9250 vs HD2400XT | 26429 Views |
26 November 2012 at 3:46pm
i own the SAM440ep(mini) and my onboard M9 died some month ago. So i put an Radeon9250 on the PCI-Slot. Sadly the Slot is only 33Mhz and DMA don't work, that makes it terrible slow in compare with the 66Mhz DMA onboard M9.
Because of Science and Support, i bought the HD-Driver to Support this great Project.
I test a HD2400XT that i found in our Companys Electro-Recycle-Bin. The Adaptor is this PEX8112 thing.
Here are the Results:
Radeon 9250: http://hdrlab.org.nz/Benchmark/GfxBench2D/Result/1051
HD2400XT: http://hdrlab.org.nz/Benchmark/GfxBench2D/Result/1058
The Compositing-Performance is much better, but why is the Memory-Performance of the HD2400xt not better than the 9250?
DMA turned on with the RadeonHD-Driver don't seem to work.
Is DMA on the SAM440ep(mini) not supported?
Infact i only need fast Web-Browsing (scrolling of pages after load), so is it possible with this system or should i upgrade to 460ex?
I´m using a Sam440ep/667Mhz/512MB/Amiga OS4.1 over DVI on 19" Samsung TFT (1280x1024x32bit).
27 November 2012 at 7:10pm Last edited: 27 November 2012 7:14pm
@ Fingus
Try runing the Sam440ep_Setup utility to speed up your system with the adapter .
Note the settings to set the speedup for the secondary graphics card.
A little utility to optimize performance on your Sam440ep board (mini-itx and flex versions)
What it does:
* on some Sam440ep boards, the MMUCR register is not set correctly at bootstrap.
This leads to poor write L1 cache performances.
The utility check the register, and if needed, modify it.
* on all Sam440ep boards with a Radeon card enables read prefetching for graphic ram.
If a Radeon card is detected, the utility will modify the POM2 PCI registers to
enable read prefetching.
This speed up reads for the gfx card from 15 MB/s to 30 MB/s on a M9 card.
* set the Latency Timer on the 440ep PCI Bridge,
With this new setting read speed increase around 50% on Radeon PCI cards
(up to 42 MB/s on a M9 card) and around 200% on RadeonHD PCI cards
27 November 2012 at 7:35pm
@ Fingus
Here are the results for the Memcopy part of the GfxBench2D that I did a few weekes ago on my Sam440ep-Flex 800Mhz .Using the second slot # 33mHz and the first slot # 66MHz. Note the write pixel array score is almost 10 times faster with DMA and a 66mhz slot.I have the Sam440ep_setup utility enabled.This is with a Radeon HD5670 and adapter .
33mhz with DMA off
MemCopy Score: 23.47
Operation MiB/s
Copy to VRAM 9.63
Write Pixel Array 9.66
Copy from VRAM 13.81
Read Pixel Array 13.82
66Mhz with DMA on
MemCopy Score: 97.01
Operation MiB/s
Copy to VRAM 13.55
Write Pixel Array 90.51
Copy from VRAM 20.96
Read Pixel Array 27.33
28 November 2012 at 3:49am
I did have the SAM440ep_utility in place since first release.
I think the biggest break is the fact that the SAM440ep mini PCI is just running with 33Mhz instead of 66Mhz and Direct Memory Access can´t be turned on for it. So the breake breaks two the times
I´m using a Sam440ep/667Mhz/512MB/Amiga OS4.1 over DVI on 19" Samsung TFT (1280x1024x32bit).
28 November 2012 at 4:27am
try activating the tooltype SNDGFX in the Sam440ep_Setup utility by removing the brackets.
The Graphics card in the PCI slot is the secondary card in your case.In the default setting the speed up is being applied for your onboard M9.
28 November 2012 at 4:46am
The Graphics card in the PCI slot is the secondary card in your case.In the default setting the speed up is being applied for your onboard M9.
But i did change the output-device in Uboot from internal to external.
I will try some setups with the sam440_setup utility and hopw i can get better results/experience with radeon 9250 or my hd2400xt
I´m using a Sam440ep/667Mhz/512MB/Amiga OS4.1 over DVI on 19" Samsung TFT (1280x1024x32bit).
28 November 2012 at 2:54pm
sam440ep_setup SNDGFX FORCEPOM
(added to user-startup)
VRAM to RAM & ReadPixelArray Radeon9250:
BEFORE: 5 MiB/s (http://hdrlab.org.nz/benchmark/gfxbench ... esult/1051)
AFTER: 12 MiB/s (http://hdrlab.org.nz/benchmark/gfxbench ... esult/1059)
240% faster read
VRAM to RAM & ReadPixelArray Radeon HD2400XT:
BEFORE: 1,5 MiB/s (http://hdrlab.org.nz/benchmark/gfxbench ... esult/1058)
AFTER: 10 MiB/s (http://hdrlab.org.nz/benchmark/gfxbench ... esult/1060)
667% faster read
Not bad!
I hope DMA can be enabled some day on sam440ep Mini
I´m using a Sam440ep/667Mhz/512MB/Amiga OS4.1 over DVI on 19" Samsung TFT (1280x1024x32bit).
28 November 2012 at 3:43pm
I hope DMA can be enabled some day on sam440ep Mini
I'm surprised that DMA isn't enabled, because I know for a fact that DMA is used on the Sam440-flex.
Since it's the same CPU,** it should be enabled on the Sam440ep too. Are you sure that you haven't disabled DMA somehow via the ENV variable?
If DMA doesn't work with the 33 MHz slot, then this is news to me.
** Picasso96 uses the CPU's own DMA engine with Sam4x0 processors.
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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » SAM440ep(mini) Radeon9250 vs HD2400XT