Benchmark » GfxBench2D » AmigaOS » Motherboard: Sam440EP

Motherboard: Sam440EP

Manufactured by: ACube Systems Srl
(Manufacturer above incorrect? Submit a correction)

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Graphics CardMotherboard/DeviceScreen ModeScore
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1680×1050@70 (32 bit) 1,574.16
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1366×768@60 (32 bit) 1,564.82
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1280×1024@60 (32 bit) 1,560.41
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1280×1024@60 (32 bit) 1,560.17
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1366×768@60 (32 bit) 1,555.29
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1366×768@60 (32 bit) 1,545.64
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1366×768@60 (32 bit) 1,539.24
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1920×1080@61 (16 bit) 1,538.24
Radeon 9250 Sam440EP 1920×1080@61 (32 bit) 1,528.13
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1680×1050@60 (16 bit) 1,523.29
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1280×1024@76 (32 bit) 1,522.69
Radeon 9100 Sam440EP 1920×1080@61 (32 bit) 1,515.19
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1280×1024@71 (32 bit) 1,508.76
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1280×1024@85 (32 bit) 1,504.73
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1280×1024@60 (16 bit) 1,501.65
Radeon 9200 Sam440EP 1920×1080@61 (32 bit) 1,495.67
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1920×1080@50 (32 bit) 1,495.64
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1280×1024@60 (32 bit) 1,494.89
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1440×900@60 (32 bit) 1,492.64
Radeon M9 Sam440EP 1280×1024@60 (32 bit) 1,492.48

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Benchmark » GfxBench2D » AmigaOS » Motherboard: Sam440EP